Some color schemes are working properly in gvim, showing 256 colors and more, but if they arent aware about xterm sequences, they will fail in the console vim. What are the steps to get 256 colors in vim inside conemu. The initial launch was crashy and had issues with 256 color support. To redefine prompt palette you may use extend foreground colors with background feature. Any advice to enable 256 color support in cmder is welcome. Conemumaximus5 is a fullfeatured local terminal for windows devs, admins and users. Selected vim color scheme must be prepared specially for xterm color. Windows 10 x64 used shell version far manager, gitbash, cmd, powershell, cygwin, whatever. Generally, what i am doing is opening a terminal session in windows 10 by. This helper tool is an attempt to create the symbiont of posix enabled pty and winapi fullfeatured terminal. A usable and good looking shell on windows cristian sirbu. Nb if inject conemuhk is off, you can still use ansi in vim or any other application. Cygwin and conemu with 256 colours for those who do not know, cygwin is a large collection of gnu and open source tools which provide functionality similar to a linux distribution on windows, mintty is the default terminal installed by cygwin, and conemu is a windows console emulator with tabs with a customisable gui.
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